Per Archdiocesan guidelines, the St. Anne Advisory School Council acts in an advisory and consultative capacity to the Principal and Pastor, and assists both the Principal and Pastor to recommend policy and to identify and articulate the educational needs and aspirations of the school and parish community.
St. Anne Advisory School Council members are selected through a discernment process, usually held in March or April of each year. Discernment is a process associated with the virtue of prudence, by which we try to decide what God wills us to do in particular circumstances. In the case of selecting school advisory council members, a discernment date is announced to the school and parish community, then at the discernment meeting a facilitator leads all those who have been called to the meeting in a series of prayer and reflection, with the meeting concluding when all open school advisory council positions have been filled. School advisory council terms are for 3 years with option of one additional 3-year term, should the council member re-discern.
It is important to understand that Catholic school advisory councils are not like public school boards. Public school boards hire and fire and mandate the implementation of procedures and programs. While Catholic school advisory councils may assist the Principal and Pastor, if requested, with “search committees” when hiring new staff, the council member’s primary responsibility and assignment is to give assistance and advice and not to become involved in the day to day operation of the school. A major responsibility of the advisory school council is to provide advice and guidance in the area of finance, via budgets, review of financial statements, and communication with the school and parish community. In addition, the advisory school council is responsible for assisting the Principal and Pastor with both short and long term strategic planning. These duties and responsibilities take shape within the standing and ad hoc committees of the school advisory council. Currently, the St. Anne Advisory School Council has the following standing committees: Finance Committee, Buildings and Grounds Committee, and Marketing Committee. At this time, there are no active ad hoc committees, but they do get created from time to time based on specific need, such as the 5-Year Plan Committee that was created in 2005. While it is a requirement for all committee chairs to be school advisory council members, committee membership is open to the entire school and parish community.
St. Anne Advisory School Council meetings are open to the school and parish community. For more information about the Advisory School Council, please contact the school office.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates: