What will the first day of school look like?
The first day will be an opportunity for students to meet their teachers, see their classrooms and get acclimated to the school. Dismissal will be at noon.
What will my child wear on the first day of school?
Students will wear their regular uniforms.
Will my student(s) be using lockers?
Yes, students in grades 4 and 6 through 8 use lockers.
Will the students be changing into PE clothes?
Students in grades 5 through 8 will change into PE clothes for PE class.
How do I register for before/after care?
To register your child(ren) for before/after care, please click here.
When does the before/after care program begin?
Our after school care program will begin on Tuesday, August 13.
Our before school care program will begin on Tuesday, August 13.
What are the hours of the before/after care program?
Before care begins at 7am. After care ends at 6pm.